Japanese Listening Ep.822 Code

Study to listen to Japanese Ep.822

🌸 Improve your Japanese naturally by watching and listening to short reels on repeat! The more you listen, the more familiar the words and phrases will become.

🌸 Subtitles are available in English 🇺🇸, Japanese 🇯🇵, and Korean 🇰🇷, making it easier to understand and learn effortlessly.

🌸 Want to compare translations? Simply turn on subtitles in all three languages and see how the expressions are translated!


Today is combustible recycling day
오늘은 연소 가능한 쓰레기의 날입니다.
आज ज्वलनशील पुनर्चक्रण दिवस है

if you like
यदि आप चाहें तो

Would you like to have a cup of tea
차라도 마시고 가지 않겠습니까
क्या आप चाय पीना चाहेंगे?

Video Code